It is difficult to overestimate the value and importance of a good portfolio in the modern modeling business with fierce competition. In this article we will discuss what a modeling portfolio is, what it consists of and how it is formed. Therefore, this article will be useful for both aspiring models and photographers who offer the service of creating a portfolio without really knowing what it is. Many of them think that a portfolio is just a set of some portrait photos. Now we will see that this is not the case at all.

model portfolio

A model portfolio (book) is a set of professional photos that reflect the model’s appearance, type, ability to transform, maximize the strong sides and hide the flaws. The portfolio is made according to certain rules and consists of a mandatory and optional part. A full book should include snapshots, model tests, fashion and beauty photos, publications, fashion show footage and advertising shots.

So, let’s take a look at the process of creating a modeling portfolio. 


First you need to make snapshots and model tests, which you can bring to the agency.

Snapshots are simple photos on a plain background with soft light, in certain angles, usually with hair in a ponytail. When taking snapshots, the model should be in a separate swimsuit and without makeup, these shots show the real appearance, so they are basically not retouched. Close-up photos: full face (with and without smile), profile (left and right). Full-length photos: full face, profile (left and right), back view.

model tests

In fact, snaps can be made by yourself at home in soft daylight against a solid color wall.

Model tests are photos with soft and/or hard (contrast) light, often in black and white. They reflect the model’s type, posing and acting skills — in a word, reveal professional abilities.

Typically, tests are shot in the style of minimalism: there should be nothing distracting from the model itself. Light, natural makeup; tight-fitting clothing — leggings, t-shirts, shorts, swimsuit, etc. Good model tests consist of at least three diverse looks (below is one of the possible options).

model tests

So, we already have the basic part of the portfolio. You can go to any agency with this set of images.


Now you need to expand your portfolio with fashion and beauty photos (especially if you are going to work as a photo model). Fashion photos will show how you can promote clothes, beauty — cosmetics, jewelry, etc. Photos emphasizing the most beautiful parts of the body (lips, arms, legs, hands) are also beneficial.

fashion, beauty


Finally, if you have already started modeling, collect and include fashion show shots, magazine publications and advertising photos in your portfolio. This will tell the customer that you are an experienced model in demand, and will convince to make a choice in your favor.

How to make a modeling portfolio - Tips for models

And here are a few IMPORTANT points to consider when building a modeling portfolio.

1. A modeling portfolio is not made in one shoot! It is built up over the entire model’s career. During one shoot you can only make a few truly successful shots that will strengthen your portfolio.

2. Do not include weak shots in your portfolio — less is more.

3. The portfolio should be updated periodically so that it is always up to date and reflects your current look. If you decide to radically change your appearance (for example, dye your hair or cut your hair short), this is a good reason to update your portfolio.

4. To form a decent portfolio, a model should work with different photographers who has their own vision and personal style. Otherwise, all your photos will look very similar.

5. You should be careful when choosing a photographer: don’t shoot with just anyone, especially if they specialize in completely different genres (wedding, reportage). You should also avoid beginners, because with them you will not achieve a good result, but only waste your time. To create and expand your model portfolio you need a skilled photographer with the appropriate specialization (fashion, beauty, model tests, advertising).

Good luck with your photos!

Author: Ivan Zajats ©

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